Friday, August 2, 2013

Controlling the Restless Mind.

Mind and Meditation.
Meditation has four aspects, based on the four yogas. The purpose of meditation is to develop devotion. The prescription is that the more we think of something, the more our interest grows around that object. So first, the thinking part must be present. When we feel something is ours, like a mother with her child, automatically there is a little devotion and love added to our thinking. Similarly, by adding these elements to our meditation, our interest in God and devotion to him will grow. 
Another major objective of meditation is to increase the capacity of one's concentration, and with that concentrated mind, we think of God with greater attention. With a concentrated mind what normally took us one hour to complete can now be finished in fifteen minutes. So the way to develop a concentrated mind is by meditation.
Now, what is meditation? It is withdrawing the mind from the sense world and focusing it on the object. So first we must try to think of something with the help of which many other thoughts will be lessened. When God is the objective, mush of the mind will be withdrawn. Unconsciously it can become withdrawn, but consciously by effort we must also try to practice this. Instead of a hundred things, you may try to think of only one thing and then you may end up thinking only four things. Then try to lessen that. To be able to lessen 100 percent may not be possible; otherwise you would be almost a saint!
God realisation is the highest attainment. How much you attain depends on many factors. In day-to-day life, there are steps to judge how much you have progressed--how much self-control you have; how many of your desires have lessened; how much love for others you have; how much you can control your anger, your selfishness, and attachment. This will decide whether you are really progressing in spiritual life. Just by saying you have realised everything or you have so much devotion that tears flow easily, is not enough. If your character has changed, then you are a spiritual person. 
Mere concentration is not considered spiritual. Why are you meditating? If you want good health, that is all right; but do not claim it is spiritual. If you want to develop your body, undoubtedly you will get results if you concentrate.
In this connection, once I was in a hilly area, where there was malaria. One Swami said, 'If you want good health, give a little part of your mind to your body'. We said, 'We must give our entire mind to God'. He laughed and said, 'Even if you want to give your whole mind to God, ninety percent of the mind is already in the body.You may say that you want God--that's certainly a good idea--but the body says otherwise'. I learnt a lesson.
Yoga has a system, which is also recommended in the scriptures. Improve your health; only then you can think of God better. Certainly Sri. Ramakrishna said, 'Do not do too much yoga and asana, as the mind will then go to the body'. But we must remember that Sri Ramakrishna was teaching aspirants who were on the verge of God-realisation. Their standard was very high; ours is different. It varies from person to person. It is you who must determine how far you want to go in spiritual life. Mere claiming is not enough. The major test of one's spiritual life is transformation of character.
Preparation for Meditation
In order to prepare ourselves for a productive meditation, is there anything we should do before we begin?
Three things are normally done to prepare for meditation. First, take a bath, put on clean clothes, and then enter your shrine room, or a corner of your room that you have set aside for meditation. In three months time that area of your dwelling will acquire so much spiritual vibration that you will feel uplifted every time you go there. Anything you do in that room, whether crying or laughing, try to connect it with God. Thus even unconsciously you will receive inspiration in that room when you enter it.
You will feel more holy if you first take a bath. But if you don't want to, then do as you like. However, whatever your standard of cleanliness is, you must feel pure enough to think of God. If you are a great believer in Ganges water, then use it. Some minimum standard of physical cleanliness is necessary. If you don't have time to take a bath, then meditate before bathing.
Preferably, begin your day by remembering and repeating the names of God, or chanting a few names of God. That time in the morning is under your control. In the evening you may have to work late or friends may unexpectedly drop in. The  evening is uncertain. But you must make time to meditate for a minimum of twenty minutes. And if the mind is calm, meditate longer. Of the morning and evening meditations, at least one should be more leisurely, without any pressing time constraints.
If during meditation the mind is very restless, stop and to japam. Repeat the mantra a minimum of 108 times, otherwise vagaries of the mind will arise. You must perform meditation or japam whether your mind wants to or not. Japam is easier than dhyana. If, after a half hour, the mind is still restless, read a holy book. The mind should not be forced too much, but you can cajole it. If you are regular in meditation, the mind will concentrate quickly. Just as when you eat at a particular time every day, so also when you sit for meditation at a particular time everyday, your body and mind will cooperate. Your children and friends will learn not to call at that time, because they will know you meditate at that time.
C.S. Chakravarthy
H. No. 12-13-365, St. No. 2,
Flat. No. D-33, Ushodaya Apartments,
Tarnaka, Secunderabad- 500017
Andhra Pradesh, India.
Cell. No. 09985732397

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