Sunday, November 22, 2015


Once again terrorism has reared its ugly head, this time in Paris. As usual, it is innocent people who die - they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. And as the whole world is plunged in grief, one wonder why these things happen. 
On deep introspection, one comes to the understanding that there are things which are beyond human understanding. As we wonder, why would God, whom we understand to be love, compassion, kindness and forgiveness, allow such dastardly and violent acts? Some might even wonder if there is a God at all, or whether what we have been told about God is true.
When most of the problems of the world can be solved easily with love and compassion, it seems that a set of people have lost their faith in these divine qualities, and have sunk lower in the scale of consciousness, and have taken to hate and violence.
History tells us that hatred and violence never made anyone benefit, but love has healing powers. Whether we look at the lives of Jesus, Moses, Krishna, Buddha or Zarathustra, we realise that they did not become who they were, or have such a huge following, by being violent. They became who they were because of their unconditional love, for their wisdom, for their forgiveness, for their kindness and compassion, which are qualities totally lacking in those resorting to violence and terror.
In terms of the level of consciousness, it must be said that somewhere the world has lost its balance and we desperately need to restore balance and harmony...beginning with ourselves. Every thought of hate or anger or violence that we think, every negative thought that every human being has, on a day-to-day basis, adds to the collective universal consciousness. If we predominantly think love, and act out of love, we will see love. But it looks like too many of us are in the grip of negative emotions - fear, anger, apathy, guilt, desire, nursing, grudges, insecurity - and this has affected the collective consciousness in such a way that hate and violence is the energy signature coming out of the objective consciousness.
Each and every one of us needs to think, speak and act with love and only love, and this will enable collective consciousness to work for common benefit. We live in a vibrational universe, one that responds to our vibrations, and if were to believe the law of attraction, and we see acts of violence, it must be true that at some level the world is vibrating with negative emotions, and we are unknowingly inviting these things into our consciousness. 
It has been often said that even one evolved, compassionate soul is equal to a thousand unawakened souls. If this is so, then it is our duty to rise in love, and act with love. This will fill universal consciousness with so much love that there would be no place left any longer for hate and violence.
Apart from grieving and condemning acts of violence, and then going to make a conscious decision today, to be more loving, kinder, more forgiving, more compassionate, as this will go a long way in bringing about world peace and harmony.

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