Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Many women have been active athletes in school and college. They may have played kho kho, throw ball, volley ball or basket ball. Some may have played tennis, karate or swimming. If nothing else, they surely would have cycled to school, tutions or dance class. But once out of college and into marriage and children, they become sedentary. Health and fitness takes a back seat.
In the earlier days, taking care of children and doing household chores kept the women active and healthy. But in the modern world, the opportunities to stay fit has reduced drastically. And for working women, between packing lunches and preparing presentations, there is just no time  to exercise. As a result, there is an increasing occurrence of conditions like osteoporosis, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetics, coronary heart diseases and certain cancers. WHO has issued a warning that a sedentary lifestyle could very well be among the ten leading causes of death and disability in the world.
It is important therefore to take control of our own health in order to be there for our loved ones. And running is one way of doing it. It is a simple and efficient form of exercise for women. Jogging can be a great stress buster and also burns a lot of calories. Other spin offs are healthier diets and sleep patterns and a tremendous feel-good factor. Anyone who is reasonably healthy can start running. There is no expressive equipment needed.
All that you require is a decent pair of shoes and suitable clothes. And it always works if you would find other women to form a running group. Having peers will help you stay committed and focussed on your new fitness regimen. It is time to be bold and take charge of your life and put your best foot forward.

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