Monday, November 23, 2015


The paths of Sreyas and Preyas clearly point to the goals they lead to, namely moksha and worldly aspirations respectively. Vedanta teaches the way to distinguish the real from the unreal by explaining the truth about the Absolute Brahman as that which always exists and hence is not subject to change. But the world, with its infinite variety and charms and attractions, enthrals the jivatmas easily into believing these as real and wishing to possess these. Vidhura blends such Vedanta truths with the tenets of Dharma Sastra to make Dhritarashtra realise his own failings that have deprived him of any peace of mind.
The Isa Vasya Upanishad states that the entire creation and the universe belong to God. "In the heart of all things, of whatever there is in the universe, dwells the Lord. He alone is the reality. Wherefore, renouncing vain appearances, rejoice in Him. Covet no man's wealth". What better explicit advice for individual happiness than to internalise this mantra as an inner experience and realise that whatever one thinks is his possession is actually sourced from God?
If whatever exists is the wealth of God, it automatically is not any individual's possession - neither yours nor the belonging of others. There is no higher principle than the Lord and the existences in the world are held together by Him even as the gems are by the string. A flower garland is supported by the thread which is hidden. God is behind the entire creation as the material and efficient cause of the world. He is the abiding force in every aspect of creation. Vidhura states: "Taking the wealth of others, covering another's wife and forgetting the good deeds of others are the causes for mental unrest in a person".

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